Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ohio Trip part 2 (Delaware, OH)

After stopping one night in TN, we traveled the rest of the way to Delaware, Ohio. Cameron, as always, was SO GOOD. He really didn't fuss much the whole way up and back (the drive home which was about 15 hours! We did leave at 3:30 AM though so that Cam would sleep most of the morning.) We stayed with the Bowlings; my Aunt Becky, Uncle Greg and cousins Graham and Gretchen. Cameron loved playing with Graham and Gretchen, they are both so good with him. I had such a good time; the long drive was definitely worth it! It was so great visiting with them and enjoying the cool weather! We also got a chance to spend some time with my other Aunt Missy, Uncle Max and cousin Clay. Cameron really enjoyed playing with Uncle Max, he made Cameron laugh a lot!
Clay and Cameron
Cameron laughing with my Uncle Max

Cameron playing in the Bowlings' backyard. He LOVED playing in the yard, it makes me wish we had a bigger backyard at our house for him.

Cameron with his new hat. Love it!

Gretchen and Cameron playing in the yard

My sister Becky, Cameron and I

What a cutie!

Graham, Cameron, Gretchen and my Aunt Becky

Cameron getting ready to play outside. I had to bundle him up, it was about 40 degrees out!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Love the HAT!