Monday, May 18, 2009

He's on the Move!

Boy how things can change overnight! Cameron has been doing the "army crawl" for over a month and then just last Monday he went to normal crawling AND has been pulling himself up on just about everything! He started doing this all on the same day! I have to watch him like a hawk now :) Although, I have to say that he's really good about following me around when I leave the room so I can always keep an eye on him.

Oh, and he also figured out how to climb the stairs! Don't worry, he only climbs them when we are next to him, the other time we have a gate up so he can't get to them.

I Love to Swim!

In May, Cameron and I started swim classes at a local swim school. As you can see from the video below, he really enjoys them! Our swimming pool is still a little cold so we bought a blow-up pool for Cameron to play in in the mean time. Cameron is going to have a lot of fun this summer in our pool!