Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Photos

We had a breezy day and the kids were excited to get the kites out & fly them. Its not too often that we do that!

The father/daughter dance is held every year around Valentines Day and is a fundraiser for Cameron's school. Its always something that Olivia looks forward to going to with Charles. This was her second year attending.

We hosted 2 boys from China for 2 weeks in early February. Its something we've done for the past 4 or 5 years and we always enjoy it. Cameron & Olivia loved having the older boys to play with. We took them bowling one weekend which was a big hit with them.

Farewell party/graduation for the boys

Of course they had to have a horseback ride before they left!
Cameron has been getting riding lessons from my dad & seems to be enjoying it so far. I hope he sticks with it!

Had to take a picture of this cute girl!!