Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Year Update

Okay, so I'm a little late with the update since he's now 14 months old, but better late than never! Cameron had a check-up last week and he weighs 23 pounds, 13 ounces and is 30 inches long. That puts him in the 50th percentile for weight and 30th percentile for height. I was also told that he had a bad ear infection! I had no idea and felt so bad! Other than maybe being a tad bit more grumpy in the evening he really had been acting fine. The doctor was surprised that he had been sleeping through the night with the ear infection. This is just more proof that I have such a happy baby! Anyways, he is now on some medication so he should feel better soon.

He isn't talking much but does say "da" as he points to the Lucy (our dog.) He points to everything now and says a bit of jibberish which is never clear. He understands just about everything though, which is really nice. He loves to bring either Charles or I a book and then will listen to us read it for about a minute or so. Many times he just sits on the floor flipping through the book himself :) I do a lot of laundry for Charles' office and before I fold the sheets I put them on the dining room table. Once Cameron sees the sheets on the table, he loves to pull them all on the floor and play with them on the floor. This entertains him for quite a while!
He's really good at doing the sign language for "more" and does it everytime he is hungry or wants some more to eat. Just yesterday he started waving bye-bye which is so cute! He loves to clap and stomp his feet to music. He doesn't really watch any tv but does like one show, My Friends Tigger and Pooh. He gets so excited when I put it on and starts clapping and stomping his feet but will only watch it for about 2 minutes. (I tried to post a video but it is taking forever. I'll try at a later time.) He is so sweet and loving and gives the best hugs! We are so lucky to have such a happy, healthy and cuddly little boy! That's about all, we are just having so much fun with him!!


Charles, Cameron and I all had a nice, low-key Halloween. Cameron was dressed up as a horse, which I later found out is what my nephew, Emmett, also dressed as. Too funny! Emmett and Cameron's horse costume was different though, Emmett's costume had long sleeves and pants and Cameron's didn't, which is probably a good thing since it was about 90 degrees in Florida and Cameron would have been roasting in it! We didn't take Cameron trick or treating door to door but enjoyed a fun party at the home of a friend. I think Cameron enjoyed being in his costume because he loved the attention and even kept his hat on the whole time!

Trick or Treat! Cameron arriving at our friends' house.

Cameron playing with the other children. They were all older than him and I think they were getting annoyed with him hanging around but they were still nice to him.

He is just too cute!!

Pumpkin Patch

Here are some photos of us visiting the local pumpkin "patch." (I use the term patch very loosely since the closet thing we have to a patch is a bunch of pumpkins on pallets- as you can see from the photos.) We visiting the "patch" twice, once when Charles, Cameron and I picked out our pumpkins and again when I had organized a reading for the children in my mom's group. Cameron had a ball and especially liked riding in the wagon. (The wagon is on his Christmas list.)

Cameron in the wagon. He not only liked sitting in it but also pulling it around.
I found a good one Dad!

Love the overalls!


This photo starts a sequence of photos, below, that show him during the reading. He started for a second sitting on my lap and then decided to get closer......

"This sounds like a good book, maybe I'll sit and listen"

"I'm over it, onto something new!" (Those photos took place all within 1 minute :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ohio Trip part 3 (Columbus Zoo)

A couple of days before we headed home, Becky and I took Cameron to the Columbus Zoo, which was just a short drive from my aunt's house in Delaware. It was a GREAT zoo; I wish we lived closer to a nice zoo in Florida. It was a perfect day, the weather was really nice and there was hardly anyone at the zoo. Cameron loved it too!

Cameron and I with the elephants

Cameron with the goats at the petting area. As much as he loves dogs, I thought for sure he would like the goats but he really didn't pay much attention to them.

Getting ready for Cameron's first ride on the Carousel. I don't think he knew what to think, he didn't laugh or cry, just had a confused look on his face during the ride. But he was really excited before it started!

Becky and Cameron

Cameron with the kangaroos. I was so surprised that they were just loose in the area, you could almost touch them if they let you!

Ohio Trip part 2 (Delaware, OH)

After stopping one night in TN, we traveled the rest of the way to Delaware, Ohio. Cameron, as always, was SO GOOD. He really didn't fuss much the whole way up and back (the drive home which was about 15 hours! We did leave at 3:30 AM though so that Cam would sleep most of the morning.) We stayed with the Bowlings; my Aunt Becky, Uncle Greg and cousins Graham and Gretchen. Cameron loved playing with Graham and Gretchen, they are both so good with him. I had such a good time; the long drive was definitely worth it! It was so great visiting with them and enjoying the cool weather! We also got a chance to spend some time with my other Aunt Missy, Uncle Max and cousin Clay. Cameron really enjoyed playing with Uncle Max, he made Cameron laugh a lot!
Clay and Cameron
Cameron laughing with my Uncle Max

Cameron playing in the Bowlings' backyard. He LOVED playing in the yard, it makes me wish we had a bigger backyard at our house for him.

Cameron with his new hat. Love it!

Gretchen and Cameron playing in the yard

My sister Becky, Cameron and I

What a cutie!

Graham, Cameron, Gretchen and my Aunt Becky

Cameron getting ready to play outside. I had to bundle him up, it was about 40 degrees out!

Ohio Trip part 1 (Tennessee)

On October 14, my sister Becky, Cameron and I took a car trip to Ohio to visit family. We decided to stop halfway in Gallatin, TN to visit my friend Kelli, her husband Charlie and son Weston. Weston is about 6 months older than Cameron. I was anxious to see how the boys would play together since the last time they were together (June) it didn't go so well. Since they were both walking now, they did play together a lot better. Kelli was such a great host, she welcomed us with a yummy dinner and breakfast before we left. We really enjoyed our short time there and were so glad to be able to visit. Here's a few pictures of the boys.
Cameron admiring the big pumpkin on Kelli's front porch

This was our attempt to take a photo of the two boys in the chair. Weston wasn't as willing to be photographed as Cameron was.

Weston and Cameron

Charles' Birthday

Charles' 36th birthday was October 10th. I invited his sisters, Linda and Cherryl, along with their husbands and also my parents and sister over for dinner. I made his favorite Lasagna (a recipe from his mom) and chef salad. We had a nice dinner and he enjoyed spending his birthday with family.

Normally this shirt would not be on Cameron (since I'm a Gator) but I made an exception for Charles' birthday :) I thought Cameron looked really cute in the jersey!
My sister Becky and my mom and dad

Jeff, Linda, Cherryl and Marvin

This picture was taken a few days before Charles' birthday but thought I would post it. Cameron got this outfit and puppy dog toy for his birthday from my friend Kelli. He's sitting on a slide and playhouse that we bought for him from a friend. He REALLY enjoys it!