Monday, April 30, 2012

Easter 2012

We enjoyed a nice Easter day with our family (minus the part where Charles went go-carting & bruised one of his ribs. He was very sore for about 4 days.) We all woke up early & attended Oakcrest Baptist Church's sunrise service at 7 AM. (Oakcrest is the church where Charles went as a child & where his sister-in-law still attends.) I was impressed with the fact that we were only about 10 minutes late since we had to wake up the kids & get them dressed. They were even very well behaved in the service! After the service we enjoyed a great breakfast provided by the church & then went back home to see what the easter bunny had brought. While Olivia napped, Charles went go-carting with friends & hurt himself when he crashed into another go-cart :( After Olivia's nap we went to my parents house for dinner and an easter egg hunt.

The easter bunnys loot for Cameron & Olivia
The best family photo we could get (at church)
Had to put leggings under Olivia's was surprising cold that morning!
Checking out her basket
Yeah for chocolate!!
Charles reading one of the new easter books. (I had to take Olivia's dress off since she was eating a lollipop. I didn't want her to get it all stained & sticky!)
On the hunt!

Cameron being sweet & sharing with Olivia
Love this photo of my grandmother & Olivia!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Olivia at 17 months & Questions for Cameron

Here are some photos when Olivia was 17 months. She had her 18 month checkup at the beginning of May & weighed 20 pounds, 10 ounces. She is still very small for her age; she is in the 5th percentile for weight & 10th for height. She has a really good appetite though, her favorite foods are chicken nuggets & spaghetti. She is such a big snacker, I feel like she is always eating! Her new thing is to climb up in her highchair & wait for me to bring her something. She is so rough & tough trying to always keep up with her big brother & has NO fear!! She will do just about anything Cameron is doing & I think she is more daring & tougher than he is! She loves to jump off things right now....mainly the furniture so I really have to watch her. Although she shows her tough side most of the time she just started to really love her dolls. She will get them from her room & carry them all around the house. I feel like I am always picking them up! She also really likes books & will carry them to Charles or I and sit down to listen to the story (which lasts all of 30 have to read fast :) She is always on the go, even despite taking short naps (40 mins!) I think she is just one of those children who doesn't require a lot of sleep. Even with her temper (she's a hitter when she is mad!) she is still just the sweetest baby girl. She loves to blow kisses & give little kises on the cheek. We just love her so much!!! 

She climbed up in her highchair with her doll & book :)
She loves this doll that my Aunt Pam gave her, its her favorite
 Getting ready to go swimming with her new bathing suit. Oh, and once she saw Cameron jumping into the pool she had to jump in too! She loved it though & had no fear going underneath the water. I am so glad that we don't have a pool, it would be such a worry for me!
 Just starting to eat by herself, such a big girl!!
 Playing with the Max & Ruby dolls. Sometimes I will see her chatting to them, so cute!! I wish I could get that on video :) Oh, and as you can see in the photo there is a nice scattering of dolls on the floor beside her :)

I didn't want to leave Cameron out of this post so I took an idea from my sister & asked him some questions. I just love these questions & hearing the responses, I think I will do it again when he turns 4. Here are the questions I asked Cameron & his answers:

What is your name: C for Cameron (he is learning the first letter of his name in school)
Age: He holds up his hand & counts 3 on his fingers
Favorite Color: Blue
Best Friend: Collier & Sutton (boys from his preschool class)
Favorite Animal: Monkey
What do you want to be when you grow up: Daddy (so cute!)
Favorite TV show & movie: Peppa Pig & Lightnening McQueen (The move Cars)
What makes you happy: Daddy (melt my heart!) then he says "and racecars make me super happy!"
What makes you sad: When mommy turns off the TV
Favorite Book: Lightnening McQueen book (then he proceeds to run & make loud car noises)
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Favorite Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (then he yells out the whole song)

Sunday, April 1, 2012


On March 28, St. Paul's Christian School (where Cameron attends preschool) had their annual trike-a-thon fundraiser. The children were asked to collect sponsorships in order to bring their trike (or bike) to school & ride laps around the basketball court. They also had a bike police officer there to teach the children about bike safety. Cameron was one of only about a handful of children who rode two-wheelers. He definitely rode laps around all the other children :) All the children received a medal at the end. It was a really cute event & Cameron had a great time!
All lined up & ready to go!

And off they go!

Olivia enjoying some snacks while watching Cam
Getting his medal from the police officer
So proud!