Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cameron's 4th Birthday!!! Camping Party

Cameron celebrated his 4th birthday with a camping theme birthday party in our backyard. We cooked hotdogs, had a campfire with smores, an outdoor movie, scavenger hunt for animals & of course bug juice to drink. We had about 40 of our friends & family there and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. Happy 4th Birthday Cameron!

This picture was actually on the first day of school, Aug. 27, a few days before his birthday

Charles' sister Linda & husband Jeff brought pizza over one night to celebrate Cameron's birthday since they would not be able to attend the party. Here's Cameron opening his gifts from Aunt Linda & Uncle Jeff which were flip flops, a Gator and a Seminole shirt :)

Cameron & Olivia wearing the new shirts

Proud daddy with Olivia in a Seminole shirt, haha

One of the decorations for the big party

Welcome Happy Campers!

Our decorated backyard..I borrowed a bunch of camo stuff from our church set design materials. With the props (and the help of my sister Becky) it really looked great!

Gun Range...marshmellow guns (made by Cameron and Charles) with soda cans to shoot at. This only lasted about 5 minutes then the kids took the guns & used them as other things (for example Cameron took his apart & turned it into an instrument! Not what we planned for it but still provided lots of entertainment so that's all that matters :)

Looking at the animals to find on the scavenger hunt (stuffed animals hidden around the yard)

Olivia enjoying the swing (being pushed by our neighbor Corbyn)

Family photo by the "campfire" birthday cake. First birthday cake that I had made for a big party...I was pretty proud of how it turned out!

Yummy cake!

Cameron's funny!

Cameron & cousin Jackson. My sister Heather & her family came down for a visit just in time for Cameron's birthday party. They had just moved from Oregon to Panama City (& drove cross country for the move) so it was really nice they made the drive to Ocala. We love having them with us!

My nephews, Reid, Jackson & Emmett (in sandbox)

Yummy bug juice :)

Olivia & her friend Camdyn

Movie time!

The campfire

Serious marshmellow toaster Corbyn

Smore time!

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