Monday, May 23, 2011

Oldies but Goodies

I know I haven't been very good about updating the blog lately so I have a lot of photos from the past months. These photos that I am just now posting are mostly from March & April.

Here are some cute photos of Cameron and Olivia in their PJs. Olivia was 5 months old.

5 months!

Cameron being silly and playing in Olivia's jumperoo. He was able to get in it, just not out of it!

Cute picture of Charles reading to Cameron

These next few photos are of my visit to my grandparents house while my Aunt Becky, Uncle Greg and cousins Graham and Gretchen were visiting from Ohio.

Here's my Mimi giving a cake to Cameron so we can sing Happy Birthday. Whenever we visit my grandparents house Cameron thinks it's someones birthday. The last time we were there he thought it was Mimi's birthday so not wanting to disappoint him, Mimi got out a half eaten cake and we had a pretend birthday party for her :)

My cousin Graham and Cameron

My cousin Gretchen, Aunt Becky, Olivia and Mimi

Back in April Charles, Cameron, Olivia and myself went to the circus that came to town. Outside the circus ring they had pony and elephant rides and a petting zoo. We got there in plenty of time to enjoy the rides and animals. Cameron was even brave enough to ride the elephant, who was 40 years old!

What a ride!

I was much happier with him riding the pony. I guess I haven't watched to many shows where the animals go wild!

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