Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Various Happenings

Here's a few photos of the things we have been up to.......
This photo of Olivia was taken when she was about 4 weeks old. She is now 2 months. Time flys!

Olivia and I in front of our Christmas tree.

Cameron being silly wearing my boots

Cameron got this tricycle for his 2nd birthday and just learned how to ride it (using the pedals) a few weeks ago. He loves to ride it all over the house

Cameron's new favorite thing to do is help in the kitchen. Anytime I am in the kitchen (even just to get a drink!) Cameron runs over to pull up a chair to help. Here he is after we finished making Christmas cookies. (As you can see, he liked sampling the food as we made it!)

Showing off his hard work

He loves to help with Olivia, especially with giving her a bath. Although most of the time he ends up getting more water on himself rather than her!

Reading a story before bedtime

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