Thursday, February 28, 2013

February trip to the cabin= SNOW!

On our trip to the cabin in early February we got so lucky to have it snow during our time there. The snow in Murphy can very every year, with last year only getting a few snow days & the year before more snow days with one being a heavy snow a few days around Christmas. The snow in February was only the second or third time it had snowed that winter. We traveled up with Charles' sister, Cherryl, on Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning we ran a few errands and on the way back from town it started snowing and it snowed non-stop until Sunday mid-morning. Just enough for us to have a full day playing in the snow and then enjoy a dinner at a restaurant in town Sunday night. I don't know which is more beautiful, the fall leaves or the snow covered ground at the cabin. It was just beautiful with the snow! Cameron had a BLAST playing in the snow, sledding non-stop on each different hill we have around the cabin. Olivia wasn't too sure about the cold snow & was a little too scared to sled without Charles or I. Our big adventure was taking the sleds up the road into our development & then sledding all the way down, so fast. What a rush! We had such a wonderful time!

The start of the snow
 So cute!
 Never too cold for the hot tub!
(It took Olivia a couple of times before she enjoyed the hot tub)
 Playing in the snow
 Snow angels!
 Cold snow! (She didn't have any gloves)
She would tell us when her hands were cold & then go inside to wash them in warm water
 Charles helping Cameron sled down the hill
So beautiful with the snow!
 End of snowfall
 So much fun sledding!

 Getting ready to sled down the big hill
 Building a snowman

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