Sunday, April 1, 2012


On March 28, St. Paul's Christian School (where Cameron attends preschool) had their annual trike-a-thon fundraiser. The children were asked to collect sponsorships in order to bring their trike (or bike) to school & ride laps around the basketball court. They also had a bike police officer there to teach the children about bike safety. Cameron was one of only about a handful of children who rode two-wheelers. He definitely rode laps around all the other children :) All the children received a medal at the end. It was a really cute event & Cameron had a great time!
All lined up & ready to go!

And off they go!

Olivia enjoying some snacks while watching Cam
Getting his medal from the police officer
So proud!

1 comment:

pheather said...

Look at Cam go! He's awesome! :) How fun! Love you guys!