Monday, September 7, 2009

Cam's 1st Birthday (Family Party)

Cameron's 1st birthday was last Wednesday, Sept 2. Since we have a big party planned for Sept. 12, Cameron enjoyed a nice simple birthday at his Grandy and Popeye's house (Leslie's parents.)

Here is Cameron with Lily, Aunt Becky's dog that he is in LOVE with. He just learned how to climb on to her back while she is laying down. She is the best dog and is so patient to let Cameron climb all over her!

Riding one of his toys

Opening a present

I wanted to get a good picture of his shirt which I had made specially for him from a local shop

Cousin Jackson and Cameron watching Curious George. Cameron wasn't used to the TV being so close so he kept touching it!

Cameron enjoying his piece of cake, it didn't last long!

First bite

Jackson blowing out the candle for Cameron (look at Cameron touching the cake, he couldn't wait!)

Cameron with his cake

Wanted to show the cute bib I found that says "today I eat cake"

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