Friday, May 30, 2014

Cameron's Preschool Graduation

Cameron had his preschool graduation ceremony on May 19. The kids did a great job singing some songs & I especially love the songs they do with the hand bells. After the songs, they introduced each graduating child and said what they liked most about school & what they wanted to be when they grew up. Cameron said his favorite part of school was the playground (of course!) and he wanted to be a farmer and a motorcycle rider. I'm thinking a farmer like Popeye & a motorcycle rider like daddy. So cute! It was really funny listening to who all the children want to be :) He had a great year in Mrs. Mary Jane's class & loved having her as a teacher. Cameron who hardly ever shows any emotion actually teared up on the last day of school & said he was really going to miss Mrs. Mary Jane & Mrs. Annette. So sweet! Mary Jane said what a sweet boy he is & was right on target in all his learning areas. Next step is Kindergarten!

Love, love, love my sweet boy! Look at that smile!
Waiting for his cue for the hand bells

Getting his certificate from Mrs. Mary Jane & Mrs. Annette
Olivia was wanting to be on the stage with Cameron so bad!

Here she is dancing on the stage at the end of the ceremony

My parents & grandmother were also able to attend. So glad to have them there!

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