Saturday, August 4, 2012

Olivia at Gymnastics

Here are some photos of Olivia at 21 months old during her gymnastics class. She has been going to gymnastics for about 4 months & really loves it. She has no fear & will do just about all the activities that they have there for the children.

In the tunnel
Upside down :)

Sliding into the big foam pit

She loves the rings & I am so impressed with how long she can hold herself up!


Jumping on the trampoline

Here's a short video of Olivia on the rope swing. She is just about the only child who will get on the swing.....the teacher was really impressed! Sorry for the bad videotaping, I was trying to hold her & the camera.

Rayane's Visit (Our Exchange Student from France)

At the end of July we hosted Rayane, an exchange student from France. This was our third year hosting exchange students and we really enjoy it. Its such a neat experience and the students always have a great time during their visit. Rayane was with us for 3 weeks & we got to do a lot of fun things during his stay with us. We hosted a dinner with 2 other families with exchange students, took him to Silver Springs a local attraction, went to the beach & gave him his first horseback ride at my parents farm. Last year Rayane went to LA for his exchange program & his host family (Sandy & Jim) from LA flew to Orlando then drove to Ocala to see him. They spent the day with us at Silver Springs then drove to Key West for a vacation. They were a really nice couple & so excited to see Rayane as he was to see them. We were sad to see him go but hope to maybe one day take a trip to Paris & see him!

Rayane with Cameron & Olivia (they both love him!)

 Some of the other exchange students from France at the dinner we hosted

 All of the exchange students at the farewell party
 Sandy & Jim with Rayane at Silver Springs

 On the glass bottom boats
 Feeding the alligators
 The alligators were a big hit with Rayane
 Family photo at the beach :)
 The boys enjoying the water (Olivia did not like the water)
 Picking up shells

 Rayane's first time on a horse (riding Gus my dad's horse) He was a little scared at first but ended up really enjoying it & couldn't wait to tell his friends & family about it :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July videos

So for not normally posting any videos, I am going to shock everyone by posting 6 in one blog! LOL :) Cameron & Olivia are just at such a fun age right now that its hard not to want to capture everything they do on video. Especially when Olivia is so fearless & even I can't believe half the things she does! Here are some photos & videos of the kids playing & Olivia talking.

Cam & Olivia love to race around the house on their motorcycle & little tykes car. They pretend they are at the racetrack (I wonder where Cam got that from!) Oh, and Cameron always makes sure that they both wear their racing hats :)

These next two videos are of Olivia & Cameron reading Olivia's favorite book, Baby Faces. It is a short book with each page showing a baby making various faces (yucky, yum-yum, stinky, uh-oh, boo hoo & yippee) I don't know why Olivia likes this book so much but its always her first choice when its reading time. I LOVE the faces she her closely in the video :)

Cameron saw me videotaping Olivia & wanted his turn with the book

Olivia saying the words she knows

 Olivia & Cameron both love to swim! I am so impressed with how far Cameron has come this year swimming on his own and of course how fearless Olivia is in the water. It won't be long until she catches up with Cam in the pool!

Can you believe this????