Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our first photo shoot

Our photographer, Terri Byrd, came to our house Friday night to take photos of Cameron. Here's a few we managed to grab on our camera.......

Oh..... you can probably tell by the look on my face that Cameron just pooped all over me. (Cameron was much nicer on Charles.)
What a chubby boy!

Welcome Home Cameron!

After 8 days in the hospital, Cameron came home on Wednesday, Sept. 10. How nice it was to be able to take our beautiful, healthy boy home!

Here's Cameron in his carseat for the ride home.......

Us leaving the hospital..... (Although I had already been discharged 5 days ago, they still wheeled me out in a wheelchair.)

Friday, September 5, 2008

The days after delivery

Here are some photos of Cameron the first few days after he was born. As you can see he has a few wires hooked up to him. He had a few minor issues (low glucose levels and a small infection) which caused him to spend a few more days in the hospital and be hooked up to machines. (As of Saturday, Sept. 6, he is still in the hospital.)

Cameron has arrived! Sept. 2nd

Mommy's first sight of Cameron after delivery. (Charles watched the c-section.)

What a big boy!! Cameron L0gan arrived by c-section at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. He shocked all the doctors (and his parents) with his size. We were all expecting an 8 pound baby and Cameron was 9 lbs 14 oz!